care means amounts paid for the diagnosis,
cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention
of disease, and for treatments affecting
any part or function of the body. The
medical care expenses must be primarily
to alleviate or prevent a physical or
mental defect or illness. The following
provides details to special issues related
to medical care expenses. However, keep
in mind, there are income
restrictions limiting the medical
A popular website for medical information
is WebMD.
Restricting Medical Deductions

There are basically two limitations restricting
a deduction for medical expenses.
You must itemize your deduction,
You can deduct only the amount
of your medical and dental expenses
that is more than 7.5% of your adjusted
gross income. If, for example, your
only income for the year was $50,000
from wages and there were no adjustment
to your income, your adjusted gross
income would be $50,000 and 7.5%
of that amount would be $3,750.
If your medical expenses totaled
$5,000, you would be able to deduct
$1,250 for medical ($5,000 - $3,750).
In the same example, if your medical
expenses were less than $3,750,
there would be no deduction allowed
and no need to list the medical
expenses on your tax return.
Savings Accounts Offer Tax Breaks

At the end of 2003, the President signed
into law the Medicare Act of 2003. One
of the key provisions of that legislation
was the creation of the Health Savings
Account (HSA). Simply described, a Health
Savings Account is a trust account where
tax-deductible contributions can be made
by qualified taxpayers who have high deductible
medical insurance plans. Income earned
on the HSA balance is income-tax-free.
The funds from these accounts are then
used to pay “qualified medical expenses”
not covered by the medical insurance for
an “eligible individual.” If these
funds are not used, they roll over year
to year. At age 65, the funds can be used
like a retirement plan (taxable when withdrawn,
but not subject to a withdrawal penalty)
or continue to be saved for future medical
expenses. Since the contribution is an
above-the-line deduction, a taxpayer need
not itemize to take advantage of this
new tax break. The rules discussed here
are applicable to Federal tax returns
and may not apply to your particular state.
Eligible Individual – The
new law defines an eligible individual
as one who is covered by a “high
deductible plan” and, while
covered by that high deductible
plan, is not also covered by another
plan that does not have a high deductible.
For purposes of determining if there
is coverage that does not have a
high deductible, the new law allows
certain types of coverage such as
worker’s compensation, insurance
for a specific condition, dental
care, vision, long-term care and
certain others to be disregarded.
Deductible Plans – High deductible
plans are defined as those with
the following deductible amounts:
coverage with an annual deductible
of $1,000 or more and limits on
annual expenses, other than premiums,
required to be paid by the plan
during the year, up to $5,000; or
Family coverage with an annual
deductible of $2,000 or more and
limits on annual expenses, other
than premiums, required to be paid
by the plan during the year, up
to $10,000.
Qualified Medical Expenses –
Qualified medical expenses that
can be paid from these accounts
are generally defined as those that
would be allowable as a medical
deduction on your tax return.
Contribution Limits - The
eligibility and contribution amounts
for these accounts are determined
monthly. Therefore, during any month
in which you qualify, you would
be entitled to contribute 1/12 of
the annual limits. For 2004, the
annual limits are the lesser of
the policy annual deductible or:
for single coverage plans,
$5,150 for family coverage plans,
$500 additional for individuals
age 55 or older.
Individuals entitled to benefits
under Medicare and those claimed
as a dependent on another person's
tax return cannot make contributions.
Contributions can be made as late
as the due date of the tax return
without extensions, and contributions
in excess of the allowable amounts
are subject to an annual 6% excise
penalty. If your employer makes
the contributions for you through
a payroll deduction plan, the contributed
amounts are not subject to normal
payroll withholdings such as FICA
and income taxes.
John, a single taxpayer, age 58,
begins a high deductible health
plan with an annual deductible of
$5,000 starting in March of 2004.
We need to determine his maximum
annual contribution limit ($3,100),
which is the smaller of the deductible
amount or $3,100 ($2,600 plus $500
for being over 55). Next, we divide
the annual limit by 12 to determine
the monthly limit, and in John’s
case, it is $258.33 ($3,100/12).
Since John was in a high deductible
health plan for 10 months during
2004, his contribution limit for
2004 would be $2,583.30 ($258.33
x 10). If John were in the 25% tax
bracket, John would realize a tax
savings of $646.
Check List

The following is a checklist of medical
expenses. The list is by no means all-inclusive
and some of the deductions listed may
have additional restrictions not included
here. Please call this office with questions
regarding these or other potential medical
- Ambulance
- Artificial
- Artificial
- Birth
Control Pills
- Braille
Books and Magazines
- Abortion
- Legal
- Acupuncture
- Alcoholism
- Chiropractor
- Christian
Science Practitioner
- Contact
- Crutches
- Dental
- Drug
- Drugs
- Eyeglasses
- Fertility
- Guide
- Hearing
- Hospital
- Impairment-Related
- Insurance
- Laboratory
- Laser
Eye Surgery
- Lead-Based
Paint Removal
- Learning
Expenses Relating to Adoption

Medical expense payments made by an adopting
parent for medical services rendered to
a child even before the child was placed
in the parent's home are deductible if:
The child is a dependent of the
adopting parent when services are
rendered or paid, and
The expenses are paid by the parent,
or agent, for the medical care of
the child, and
They are not reimbursement for
expenses by the adoption agency
prior to adoption negotiations,
The expenses are shown to be directly
attributable to the medical care
of the child.
Adoptive parents cannot deduct the natural
mother's childbirth expenses.
& Drug Addiction

You can include in medical expenses amounts
you pay for an inpatient's treatment at
a therapeutic center for alcohol or drug
addiction. This includes meals and lodging
provided by the center during treatment.
You can also include in medical expenses
transportation costs you pay to attend
meetings of an Alcoholics Anonymous Club
in your community, if your attendance
is pursuant to medical advice that membership
in the Alcoholics Anonymous Club is necessary
for the treatment of a disease involving
the excessive use of alcoholic liquors.

Generally, cosmetic surgery is not a deductible
medical expense. Cosmetic surgery is defined
as any procedure, which is directed at
improving the patient's appearance and
does not meaningfully promote the proper
function of the body or prevent or treat
illness or disease.
However, cosmetic surgery or other similar
procedures can be taken into account as
a medical expense, if the surgery or procedure
is necessary to ameliorate a deformity
arising from or directly-related to a:
- Congenital
- Personal
injury resulting from an accident or
trauma, or
- Disfiguring
& Medical Expenses

Medical Dependents - Medical expenses
paid for dependents may be deducted. To
claim these expenses, the person must
have been a dependent either at the time
the medical services were provided, or
at the time the expenses were paid. A
person generally qualifies as a medical
dependent for purposes of the medical
expense deduction if:
- That
person lived with the taxpayer for the
entire year as a member of the household
or is related,
- That
person was a U.S. citizen or resident,
or a resident of Canada or Mexico for
some part of the calendar year in which
the tax year began, and
- The taxpayer
provided over half of that person's
total support for the calendar year.
Medical expenses of any person who is
a dependent may be included, even if
an exemption for him or her cannot be
claimed on the return.
Child of Divorced or
Separated Parents - If either parent
can claim a child as a dependent under
the rules for divorced or separated parents,
each parent can include the medical expenses
he or she pays for the child. This is
true even if the other parent claims the
exemption for the child.
Support Claimed Under
a Multiple Support Agreement - A multiple
support agreement is used when two or
more people provide more than half of
a person's support, but no one alone provides
more than half. Whoever is considered
to have provided more than half of a person's
support under such an agreement can deduct
medical expenses paid.
Any medical expenses paid by others who
joined in the agreement cannot be included
as medical expenses by anyone.
Can Be a Medical Deduction

With people living longer, many find themselves
becoming the care provider for elderly
parents, spouses and others who can no
longer live independently. When this happens,
questions always come up regarding the
tax ramifications associated with the
cost of nursing homes or in-home care.
Generally, the entire cost of nursing
homes, homes for the aged, and assisted
living facilities are deductible as a
medical expense, if the primary reason
for the individual being there is for
medical care or the individual is incapable
of self-care. This would include the entire
cost of meals and lodging at the facility.
On the other hand, if the individual is
in the facility primarily for personal
reasons, then only the expenses directly
related to medical care would be deductible
and the meals and lodging would not be
a deductible medical expense.
As an alternative to nursing homes, many
care providers are hiring day help or
live-in employees to provide the needed
care at home. When this is the case, the
services provided by the employees must
be allocated between household chores
and deductible nursing services. To be
deductible, the nursing services need
not be provided by a nurse so long as
the services are the same services that
would normally be provided by a nurse
such as administering medication, bathing,
feeding, dressing etc. If the employee
also provides general housekeeping services,
then the portion of employee's pay attributable
to household chores would not be a deductible
medical expense.
Household employees, like other employees,
are subject to Social Security and Medicare
taxes, and it is the responsibility of
the employer to withhold the employee's
share of these taxes and to pay the employer's
payroll taxes. Special rules for household
employees greatly simplify these payroll
withholding and reporting requirements
and allow the Federal payroll taxes to
be paid annually in conjunction with the
employer's individual 1040 tax return.
Federal income tax withholding is not
required unless both the employer and
the employee agree to withhold income
tax. However, the employer is still required
to issue a W-2 to the employee and file
the form with the Federal government.
A Federal Employer ID Number and a state
ID number must be obtained for reporting
purposes. Most states have special provisions
for reporting and paying state payroll
taxes on an annual basis that are similar
to the Federal reporting requirements.
If you need assistance in setting up a
household payroll, please contact this
office for additional details and filing

Amounts paid for special equipment installed
in the home or for improvements may be
included in medical expenses, if their
main purpose is medical care for the taxpayer,
the spouse, or a dependent. The cost of
permanent improvements that increase the
value of the property may be partly included
as a medical expense. The cost of the
improvement is reduced by the increase
in the value of the property. The difference
is a medical expense. If the value of
the property is not increased by the improvement,
the entire cost is included as a medical
Certain improvements made to accommodate
a home to a taxpayer's disabled condition,
or that of the spouse or dependents who
live with the taxpayer, do not usually
increase the value of the home and the
cost can be included in full as medical
expenses. These improvements include,
but are not limited to, the following
Constructing entrance or exit ramps
for the home,
Widening doorways at entrances
or exits to the home,
Widening or otherwise modifying
hallways and interior doorways,
Installing railings, support bars,
or other modifications,
Lowering or modifying kitchen cabinets
and equipment,
Moving or modifying electrical
outlets and fixtures,
Installing porch lifts and other
forms of lifts but generally not
Modifying fire alarms, smoke detectors,
and other warning systems,
Modifying stairways,
Adding handrails or grab bars anywhere
(whether or not in bathrooms),
Modifying hardware on doors,
Modifying areas in front of entrance
and exit doorways, and
Grading the ground to provide access
to the residence.
Only reasonable costs to
accommodate a home to a disabled condition
are considered medical care. Additional
costs for personal motives, such as for
architectural or aesthetic reasons, are
not medical expenses.

You can include in medical expenses insurance
premiums you pay for policies that cover
medical care. Policies can provide payment
Hospitalization, surgical fees,
x-rays, etc.,
Prescription drugs,
Adding handrails or grab bars anywhere
(whether or not in bathrooms),
Modifying hardware on doors,
Modifying areas in front of entrance
and exit doorways, and
Grading the ground to provide access
to the residence.
Pre-tax dollars
You cannot deduct insurance premiums
paid with pre-tax dollars because the
premiums are not included in your wages.
If you have a policy that provides more
than one kind of payment, you can include
the premiums for the medical care part
of the policy.
Employer-sponsored health insurance
Do not include in your medical any insurance
premiums paid by your employer-sponsored
health insurance plan, unless the premiums
are included in your wages.
Medicare B
Medicare B is a supplemental medical insurance.
Premiums you pay for Medicare B are a
deductible medical expense.
Prepaid insurance premiums
Premiums you pay before you are age 65,
for insurance for medical care for yourself,
your spouse, or your dependents after
you reach age 65, are medical care expenses
in the year paid, if they are:
- Payable
in equal yearly installments, or more
often, and
- Payable
for at least 10 years, or until you
reach age 65 (but not for less than
5 years).
You cannot include premiums you pay
Life insurance policies,
Policies providing payment for
loss of earnings,
Policies for loss of life, limb,
sight, etc.
Policies that pay you a guaranteed
amount each week for a stated number
of weeks if you are hospitalized
for sickness or injury, or
The part of your car insurance
premiums that provides medical insurance
coverage for all persons injured
in or by your car because the part
of the premium for you, your spouse,
and your dependents is not stated
separately from the part of the
premium for medical care of others.

Amounts paid for long-term care services
and certain premiums paid on long-term
care insurance are deductible as medical
expenses on Schedule A. Costs of care
provided by a relative who is not a licensed
professional or by a related corporation
or partnership don't qualify. The maximum
amount of long-term care premiums treated
as medical depends on the insured's age
and is inflation-indexed annually. The
following are the deductible amounts for
the past few years. If the taxpayer paid
long-term care premiums and qualifies
for a medical deduction on Schedule A
of their tax return and did not include
them in their medical deduction, the return
can be amended to include the deduction.
Please call this office to see if the
deduction will make a difference and to
have us prepare the amended returns.

Employees generally won't
be taxed on the value of coverage under
employer-provided long-term care plans.
However, the exclusion doesn't apply if
coverage is provided through a cafeteria
plan. In addition, long-term care services
can't be reimbursed tax-free under a flexible
spending account.
The "Long-term contract" is an
insurance contract that provides only
coverage of long-term care and meets certain
other requirements. Some long-term care
riders to life insurance will also qualify.
Benefits under a long-term care policy
after '96 (other than dividends or premium
refunds) are generally tax-free. For per-diem
contracts that pay a flat-rate benefit
without regard to actual long-term care
expenses incurred, the exclusion is limited
to $175 a day, indexed for medical cost
inflation (amount was $210 in 2002) except
when long-term care costs incurred are
more than the flat rate and are not otherwise
compensated by some other means.
A contract isn't treated
as a qualified long-term care contract
unless the determination of being chronically
ill takes into account at least five activities
of daily living-eating, toileting, transferring,
bathing, dressing and continence.
"Long-term care services" include
necessary diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic,
curing, treating, mitigating, and rehabilitative
services, maintenance or personal care
services prescribed by a licensed practitioner
for the chronically ill.
A "Chronically ill person" is one
who has been certified by a licensed healthcare
practitioner within the previous 12 months
as: (1) unable to perform at least two
activities of daily living (eating, toileting,
transferring, bathing, dressing, continence)
without substantial assistance for a period
of 90 days due to loss of functional capacity,
(2) having a similar level of disability
as determined in regulations, or (3) requiring
substantial supervision to protect from
threats to health and safety due to severe
cognitive impairment. The requirement
that a qualified long-term care insurance
contract must base its determination of
whether an individual is chronically ill
by taking into account five activities
of daily living applies only to (1) above
(being unable to perform at least two
activities of daily living).
Travel Expenses

Auto Travel - Deduction is allowed at
a specified cents per mile rate (see table)
or for actual cost of gas and oil (not
repairs, maintenance, depreciation, lease
fees, etc.)

Trips - Amounts paid
for transportation to another city may
be included in medical expenses, if the
trip is primarily for, and essential to,
receiving medical services. Up to $50
per night for lodging may be included.
A trip or vacation taken merely for a
change in environment, improvement of
morale, or general improvement of health
cannot be included in medical expenses,
even if the trip is made on the advice
of a doctor.
Lodging - The cost of meals and
lodging at a hospital or similar institution
may be included if the main reason for
being there is to receive medical care.
Medical expenses may also include the
cost of lodging not provided in a hospital
or similar institution. The cost of such
lodging while away from home may be included
if all of the following requirements are
- The lodging is primarily for and essential
to medical care.
- The medical care is provided by a
doctor in a licensed hospital or in
a medical care facility related to,
or the equivalent of, a licensed hospital.
- The lodging is not lavish or extravagant
under the circumstances.
- There is no significant element of
personal pleasure, recreation, or vacation
in the travel away from home. The amount
included in medical expenses for lodging
cannot be more than $50 for each night
for each person. Lodging is included
for a person for whom transportation
expenses are a medical expense, because
that person is traveling with the person
receiving the medical care. For example,
if a parent is traveling with a sick
child, up to $100 per night is included
as a medical expense for lodging. Meals
are not deductible.
Meals - Meals are generally not
deductible as a medical expense except
as part of inpatient care. As such, they
would be included in the cost of the hospital
or other medical facility.

Wages and other amounts paid for nursing
services can be included in medical expenses.
Services need not be performed by a nurse
as long as the services are of a kind
generally performed by a nurse. This includes
services connected with caring for the
patient's condition, such as giving medication
or changing dressings, as well as bathing
and grooming the patient. These services
can be provided in the home or another
care facility.
Generally, only the amount spent for nursing
services is a medical expense. If the
attendant also provides personal and household
services, these amounts must be divided
between the time spent performing household
and personal services and the time spent
for nursing services. However, certain
maintenance or personal care services
provided for qualified long-term care
can be included in medical expenses.
Additionally, certain expenses for household
services or for the care of a qualifying
individual incurred to allow the taxpayer
to work may qualify for the child and
dependent care credit. Part of the amounts
paid for that attendant's meals are also
included in medical expenses. Divide the
food expense among the household members
to find the cost of the attendant's food.
If additional amounts for household upkeep
were paid because of the attendant, include
the extra amounts with the medical expenses.
This includes extra rent or utilities
paid because a larger apartment was needed
to provide space for the attendant.
Schools and Education

You can include in medical expenses payments
to a special school for a mentally impaired
or physically disabled person, if the
main reason for using the school is its
resources for relieving the disability.
You can include, for example, the cost
Teaching Braille to a visually
impaired child,
Teaching lip reading to a hearing
impaired child, or
Giving remedial language training
to correct a condition caused by
a birth defect.
The cost of meals, lodging, and ordinary
education supplied by a special school
can be included in medical expenses only
if the main reason for the child's being
there is the resources the school has
for relieving the mental or physical disability.
You cannot include in medical expenses
the cost of sending a problem child to
a special school for benefits the child
may get from the course of study and the
disciplinary methods.
Cessation Programs

The IRS has ruled that unreimbursed amounts
paid by taxpayers for participation in
smoking-cessation programs and for prescribed
drugs designed to alleviate nicotine withdrawal
are expenses for medical care that are
deductible subject to the 7.5%-of-AGI
limitation. However, because of the prohibition
of deductions for most non-prescription
drugs, no deductions are permitted for
the costs of nonprescription nicotine
gum and certain nicotine patches.
Mother Expenses

Surrogate mother expenses are not specifically
addressed in the Tax Code or Regulations.
However, the Code does tell us that medical
expenses are only deductible for the taxpayer,
spouse and dependents. The definition
of a dependent for medical purposes ignores
the gross income and joint return tests.
Therefore, it appears that a surrogate
mother's medical expenses can only be
deducted if she qualifies as a "medical
dependent." The unborn fetus is not a
dependent until actually born.

Weight-Loss Program The IRS has recently
ruled that expenses for certain weight-loss
programs may be deducted as a medical
expense. In order for uncompensated amounts
paid by individuals for participation
in a weight-loss program to be deductible,
the program must be undertaken as treatment
for a specific disease or diseases (including
obesity) diagnosed by a physician. The
costs are not deductible by taxpayers
who participate in weight-loss programs
to improve their general health or appearance.
Further, the cost of purchasing diet food
items is not deductible.
Prior to this new 2002 ruling, the IRS
took the position that you could only
include in medical expenses the cost of
a weight-loss program undertaken at a
physician's direction to treat an existing
disease (such as heart disease).
This new position affects prior returns
and returns may be amended to claim qualified
expenses. Until April 15th of 2003, the
tax returns for 1999 and later years can
be amended.